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DFW City by FoxHound, sbs

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Size: 4528 x 3288, 1060KB

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Tags: Drive for Weapons, Boom, for weapons, race



The concept of Drive for Weapons or DFW is a combination of Driver and Walk for Weapons. It is a race in which each player has 2 worms and it has to use only 1 of these (Driver) to go driving the other (Stoned) throughout the circuit (just like Driver scheme) but this time the indestructible maps are filled with weapon sprites on the floor due to the mandatory rule of only using a weapon if the worm being controlled is adjacent to a sprite of that weapon (just like Walk for Weapons). The scheme was based on Boom for Weapons.


1) Place one worm at the ''Driver'' worm start and the other worm at the ''Stoned'' worm start (inside the Skunk Chamber).
2) The second worm is like a "ball". It cannot be controled. Only the driver worm is able to move the stoned worm (attacking it).
3) You can only use a weapon or utility if the driver worm is touching an area bounded to the weapon sprite. Teleport to teleport (following their colors).
4) To win the game, first it is necessary to leave the stoned worm at its finish (hospital roof on first map) and plop it twice in a row, then the driver worm needs to go to its finish (at home on first map) and plop twice there too. Only with the two worms eliminated from the game (after they reached their finishes and their team health bar disappear from the game) it will be a valid victory.

Scheme Teaser/Trailer

made by director Kirill-Gamer


The scheme was created as a partnership of FoxHound and sbs.

This map is the official first map release of Drive for Weapons scheme, since it is the upgraded graphics version (remix) sbs made (I revised, tested and suggested a lot of things) of the unofficial prototype map I made some time ago (revised, tested and suggested by sbs): #39456

More details about this scheme can be found on Worms Knowledge Base:

Replays of the scheme can be found on TUS:

Added on: 1st November 2022, 01:24
Downloads: 128

Comments: 0 (read/write)

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Original, Themed. (complain/suggest)