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Weapons HD by Pluto

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Type: Other
Size: 2768 x 800, 74KB
Tags: KAOS, normal, weapons, funny, nice, good graphics

The map is designed in a smart way with a purpose to move quite easily through it and to play various schemes at it. Very good for playing mainly KAOS and normal, but also for supersheeper and other custom modes as well.
I wanted to upload here the special variation of KAOS - called "Real physics KAOS" - but after hosting games with this *.wsc scheme uploaded here, map often appeared as close and I didn't know how to fix this issue. So - the number of "Real physics KAOS" at WSDB is 16210. This mode is basically KAOS with few elements modified. The differences are:
-wind affects almost all weapons (like air strikes, animals, throwable weapons and even donkey - shooting requires some skill and reasonable conditions);
-explosions push all objects (including crates, oil drums and other released weapons, f.e. cows);
-9 crates appear every turn (instead of 7 in regular KAOS);
-all weapons are available (including donkey, armageddon, earth quake and nuke test) - however, as I've already tested few times, they appear extremely rarely;
-power of some weapons is raised:
a) level 5: napalm strike, air strike, petrol bomb, minigun, flame thrower, battle axe, prod;
b) level 4: mine, sheep launcher, girder, baseball bat;
c) level 2: banana;
d) golden shotgun & bow;
-petrol bomb burns out a bit slower;
-jet pack fuel is 40;
-acceleration of jet pack is delicately higher;
-double time crate stacks 2 times;
-rope shooting angle is not blocked to 54° - moreover, it's even possible to shoot rope below 0°;
-damage from falling off after explosion (or shot) is turned on;
-up to 12 objects are on the map (oil drums + mines);
-mine fuse is 2 seconds, dud mines are turned off;
-sudden death after 33 minutes results with nuke explosion and slowest water rise;
-worms health energy is 200;
-health crates add 200 energy and heals from poison only worm which collects it - not whole team;
This mode is very playable - try it and enjoy it along with this cool map!
Added on: 1st July 2023, 08:40
Downloads: 67
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Worth: 1 EXP
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)