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Zero-G Minigolf by sbs

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Tags: ZMG, Golf Specials

This is the 2nd of a 4 map series focused in Golf variations, according to the 4 map levels of "Worms Crazy Golf".
The 23 maps used for this 8-holes course were compiled and re-arranged from the "Graveyard" level.
In the 1st map of the series, called "Mineball": #45412, you have a full description of the long-term project...
Initially, it was orbik who came up with the "Zero-Gravity Minigolf" idea: To play Golf with the same sequences of the real-life game.
The well-known procedure would be:
1) Shooting.
2) Going to the ball location.
3) Continue from there until the hole is reached.
How we copy those steps in this scheme?
Years back, we were testing additional details for his initial concept to take shape. Finally, in 2022, he did the upload with the Scheme ready and completed:
And there is also a specially designed map of his own:
In summary:
1) The players are equipped with a powerless Grenade as the "ball".
2) Then, it should be easy to follow its trajectory using the Teleport cursor, until the most exact location possible where the Grenade ended its timer and vanished.
3) Finally, after the Worm is Teleported there, just Skip turn. Now he is closer to reach the current hole by repeating the procedure.
To Skip or not to Skip?
Originally, the idea was to shoot only once at each turn, hence the Skipping. That is the rule included in this new map too.
However, the players have a 2nd option, mentioned in the TUS pages, if they agree so: "Alternatively you could just ignore turns and count shots needed per course, host decides".
○ In the original scheme, orbik set several 3.8 settings up for the Rope; all these are related with collisions.
They were intended only as a precaution while correcting shooting positions (as it is doable using Blow Torch) because, after the 1st shot, there are no other moves allowed but Teleporting to make progress through the path.
So, to simplifly settings, the Rope Speed has been reduced to minimum (0.00002) in a new attached Scheme here. This creates a "No Roping" effect, without any collision whatsoever.
Besides, The Rope could be useful mainly as a ruler, particularly for long shots... as someone inside this map will tell you.
○ One more new feature for the Rope is the enabled "Unrestrict Rope" option. Thanks to this, the Rope can be fired even downwards; not absolutely tho (54º below the horizon to be exact). It may help you anyway, to calcullate aiming or distances if the Worm needs to descend from high locations.
○ Since the map is made in a Cavern style in order to include the edge in the gameplay, the original HHG is not recommended and you won't see it in the inventory. With the Zero-G effect, it may cause issues if it is dropped through that edge into the invisible space.
○ The Hazardous Objects are not advisable either. Remember there are non-explosive Grenades; the game itself is actually bloodless (the only ignition may come from a Blow Torch)... Therefore, those objects could become a hard-to-remove obstacle with an unfortunate placement that might completely block the way.
Other features preserved and added in the current Scheme:
• Phased Worms. Enemies and also Allies, to clear the space for an optimal Grenade bouncing and displacement.
Althought, as it is said in the 1st ZMG map, Worm phasing is optional: "Disable Phasing for more challenge".
• FDPT + SDET: Classic multishooting combo.
• Air Viscosity in low amount to complement Zero-Gravity, making the Grenade travel time not so long.
• Fuseex: More fuse seconds can make a difference by reaching further distances.
• Anti-sink: Well... somebody could always drown by accident, even with 0% Gravity and no explosions, right?
Added on: 7th September 2024, 03:46
Downloads: 83
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 7 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics. (complain/suggest)