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Prison Escape RealTime by Maksim

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Type: Other
Size: 3840 x 1392, 564KB
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Tags: #realtime #rt #prison #escape

I haven't looked at the map and scheme for a long time, but here you need the wkRealTime.dll module to move all the worms.
how use wkRealTime:
1. download
2. extract files into folder game
3. all players write in lobby "/realtime on"
4. to ask players for realtime, say write /rt
5. in game round write "/realtime on"
6. Players place worm when their team is highlighted
7. have fun
Added on: 19th December 2024, 13:24
Downloads: 11
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Themed. (complain/suggest)