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DOMINATOR 01 improved scheme and map by breedybag

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Not only the map has changed, but so has the scheme. The game can only played as a 1on1 or 2v2. The rules are as follows:

1. The red team is teleported to the red side of the map and the blue team on the blue side.
2. A Player can only attack when one of his (or his allie's) worms is inside the goal located in the core of the opponent's base.
3. When only 1 worm is left in a team (or alliance in 2v2) this worm can attack the opponent, regardless of the empty goal.
4. AFR (Attack From Rope) is still valid, but CBA (Crate Before Attack) does not apply.
5. Infinite worm select allows more flexible and tactical turns.

I have tested this new version of the scheme, and it is alot more fun and playable than the other. Partially due to the map's size the games may take a very long time, however there will be some smaller maps coming up soon :)
I hope you enjoy the scheme and the map - the graphics should be very enjoyable too as it has almost completely been 3D modelled in blender :)

Added on: 3rd July 2007, 02:46
Downloads: 316

Comments: 8 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Worth: 7 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Original, Themed. (complain/suggest)

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