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Funhouse by Pi

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Type: Rope Race
Size: 1920 x 696, 67KB


 7.67 (3)
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 7.33 (3)

Last night you drank some dodgy liquor and passed out all over the floor. You wake up the next morning and realize something is different, strangely different. Whilst sleeping, your enemies took the advantage and relocated you inside of an evil Funhouse! Fortunately, in their haste, they forgot to confiscate your ninja rope. You must use this rope to escape from the funhouse in 87 seconds or less, elsewise the clown will eat your soul. Clock stops when you touch the E. Good luck and godspeed!

Added on: 2nd May 2004, 20:42
Downloads: 4316

Comments: 6 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)