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Fly W4W omg ItzRed by VickeX
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Type: WxW Shopper
Size: 1920 x 696, 69KB
Tags: WxW, W4W, Fly, Trick, ItzRed, Red, VickeX
5.00 (1)
7.00 (1)
8.00 (1)
Description:7.00 (1)
8.00 (1)
Fly W4W is a cool mix between a WxW, a flyshoppa and at some parts RR. It features 4 walls, a fly (you can fly from one of the walls to another) and two tight areas akin to RR maps.
This is the new version of my old Fly W4W (#2629). It has a couple of new hides, but the main change is the improved graphics, which uses the same color and texture as in my W3W map ItzRed (#5561)
Added on: 17th August 2008, 19:18
Downloads: 240
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Worth: 4 EXP
Features: Remix, Good graphics, Unimaginative, Open. (complain/suggest)