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X920 - Grenade Mini Golf by X920MikeyB

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Type: Golf
Size: 1800 x 1504, 251KB

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This maps been very popular amongst all you wormers out there! And thanks for all the great feedback and comments! Both here and ingame!

I created this map a while back due to the lack of good golf maps out there. Most of them are either poor quality, or way too difficult and become frustrating and boring. So my goal to create a fun, possible but no easy map was accomplished!

Rules: Use 1 worm, place it at the top of the map, right of the golf hut. On the "Red" grass marked "Hole One". Take your shots from the red grass using 5 second grenades, only proceed to the next hole once you have successfully scored!

First to complete all eight holes is declared the winner & champion! Other players can then continue for second and third place!

And to reward all you fans out there! And to celebrate my return to worms! I've set sail on a mission to forge yet an even greater GOLF MAP! We have some unwated visitors this time, including Viking's! Amazonian Women & Even a Lochness Monster!

You can find the 3 Hole TEASER map here! #10059

Please Note: This is only a TEST map, the final map will be uploaded as soon as it is complete!

Scheme added for download!

(I'm going to be redoing some of my older maps soon, and making them alot better, along with more new maps! So keep checking back for more!)



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Added on: 1st February 2009, 14:24
Downloads: 1400

Comments: 26 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 11 users.

Worth: 9 EXP

Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original. (complain/suggest)