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BSParty by FiJer
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Type: Other Rubber
Size: 1920 x 696, 14KB
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Worms Basketball.
For game it is extremely desirable to have "RubberWorm", to include an option "antisink", at will and "rubber (80-120)".
1. Worms are placed on circles in the bottom corner (on 1-3 at a command if is "Rubber+antisink" or till 8-16 if is not present);
2. On a course 10-15 seconds are given, in a course current it is necessary to throw a worm in another's basket;
3. If the worm is thrown from a circle with number "2" is the 2 points, all the others - 1 point;
4. Game proceeds 10-15 minutes, or to the certain account (or yet hearts at one of players will not end).
The scheme (antisink it is included):
Added on: 25th March 2009, 15:31
Downloads: 219
Comments: 0 (read/write)
Worth: 2 EXP
Features: Unimaginative. (complain/suggest)