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Holy Golf by FFie

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Type: Golf
Size: 1632 x 1600, 77KB
WSC file:

Tags: mario, smb

I made this map for The Challenge Base a while ago, but it can be used as a regular Golf map too. If you want to try the challenge, grab the WSC file too:
Rules and Objectives:
- Place your worm at the start. Stand on top of the gray part of the golf club marked with the number 1. Your tail must be horizontal.
- Throw a holy handgrenade towards the hole marked with the number 1. Your aim must be horizontal or higher. The holy grenade must explode inside the hole. When you're successful (or had 5 unsuccessful attempts) you must move to club number 2 and repeat what you did at club number 1.
- If your first throw is successful, you will receive 5 points, 4 points if you miss one throw and then do one successfully, etc.
- You will receive 2 extra points if you don't hit the landscape other than the inside of the hole, but lose one point if you hit the flag in a successful throw.
- Hole 18 is the exception: you have to throw the grenade in the hole in the bridge (where of course it doesn't have to explode). Doing so without touching the landscape will get you 5 bonus points instead of 2.
- You need a minimum of 60 points to complete this challenge.
Notable resources:
- Infinite holy handgrenades
- Infinite jetpacks
Ranking method:
- More points rank higher.
Programs used: WormMM
Sprites: Super Mario Allstars
Added on: 25th April 2009, 22:00
Downloads: 1206
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 4 users.
Worth: 9 EXP
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites. (complain/suggest)