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Bubbles - 4-Way Boom Race by Ombodi77

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Type: Boom Race
Size: 8240 x 1504, 234KB



Another 4-Way Boom Race from me. It's a remix of my older map #4948. The arrows on the roof edited and sometimes the map helps you find the right place before bigger shots, so it's easier than the original.
The part on the right side, which looks like a smiley is easier too, the "mouse" moved lower.
The connection of lines are better now, no free spaces between them.

Added on: 20th June 2009, 08:01
Downloads: 687

Comments: 4 (read/write)

Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.

Worth: 5 EXP

Features: Remix, Original. (complain/suggest)