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Quoridor by Drumstick

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Type: Board Games
Size: 1600 x 760, 71KB
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I found this little jewel of game and decided to port it for Worms.
Be the first to reach the line opposite to one's base line. Each player places his worm in the centre of his base line (blue square) Each player in turn, chooses to move his worm or to put up one of his girders. The worms are moved one square at a time, horizontally or vertically, forwards or backwards.The worm must get around the girders. The girders (long ones only) must be placed between 2 sets of 2 squares. The first player who reaches one of the 9 squares opposite his base line is the winner.
The map was made with MSPAINT.
july 2012 edit: updated the scheme.
Added on: 18th July 2009, 14:20
Downloads: 762
Comments: 11 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 2 users.
Worth: 5 EXP
Features: Original. (complain/suggest)