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The Ultimate Mega Roper by xpsdeset, ManyOthers

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I just cropped the original maps credit to original authors.

This map is for The Ultimate Mega Roper.

This is an Ultimate Mega Roping Experience: It's a combination of WxW, Fly Shopper, and Rope Race.

You are playing WxW, Fly Shopper, and Rope Race simultaneously.

The map is divided into 3 sections:
1: WxW
2: Fly Shopper
3: Rope Race

So in all it's a best of three, win any 2 out of the 3.

General Rules

Players can switch in the middle of their turns, there are unlimited Select Worms.
* There are unlimited Mines instead of Bazooka.
* Instant Mines.
* Rope knocking is allowed in all three sections.
* Sudden Death at 30 mins.
* 3 worms per player (9 per team)

Each player is supposed to place one of their worms in each of the three sections.
Be careful, because there are mines even in Rope Race and the worms are not invisible.

Then each player decides which sections he wants to play:

1: WxW

Rules: WBA, AFR, but no CBA.

2: Fly Shopper

Rules: FBA, CBA, AFR or 3xFBA, AFR

The above rule (3xFBA AFR) means there are possibilities that your worm lost WxW and RopeRace and there is no crate in the Fly Shopper section. So whenever you don't want to collect crate in Fly Shopper just fly three times instead. Or you can collect crate from either the WxW or Rope Race section, and switch to Fly Shopper.

3: RopeRace

Rules: You can collect crates but cannot attack.

The worms might die as there are mines all over the place even in RopeRace, so the winner is whoever finishes the race or who gets farther. Graves will indicate who got farther.

Added on: 19th July 2009, 21:14
Downloads: 219

Comments: 3 (read/write)

Worth: 2 EXP

Features: Remix, Not-so-good graphics. (complain/suggest)