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Warzone by KevinFoley, TysonRapp

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Type: Bazooka & Grenade
Size: 5704 x 1264, 596KB
WSC file:


This massive battlefield (over 5000px wide) lies in a sandbox in someone's backyard. The toy soldiers are gone now, but a different type of engagement is about to begin...
A level-specific weaponset is included. The gameplay idea for this level is similar to our previous "Battlefield" level. This is intended as a two-player duel map. Each player starts with four worms and chooses a side to place them on. After that, you pretty much fight it out with weapons, trying not to cross the barrier that divides the center of the map. Note that this type of play can easily take more than an hour, so you have to be committed to it; otherwise, just follow normal gameplay.
See this and more at
Added on: 28th July 2009, 09:32
Downloads: 333
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Favorites: This map is on the favorites list of 1 user.
Features: Good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed. (complain/suggest)