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Square One by Bnick

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Type: Walk for Weapons
Size: 1312 x 528, 42KB



I've put a lot of effort into making this a balanced map that plays well, I've tried to avoid having any strong weapons or strong positions. There are very few safe hides so watch out!!!
Also it's a small map which makes it easy to travel around.
Just remember if you are having trouble killing a worm just remember that close combat works well on this map.

Have fun using the homing missile...if you can...
Please dont complain about no teleport, no fast walk,because it really doesnt need it!!! And dont forget that you are allowed to jump and shoot!!!

Added on: 21st August 2009, 07:25
Downloads: 243

Comments: 1 (read/write)

Worth: 3 EXP

Features: Tight. (complain/suggest)