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ClaireKonatsu's latest posts
19th April 2019, 15:48
Version #2: Glitches fixed.
Version #2: Glitches fixed.
7th April 2019, 14:53
Version #2: Auto-fly devices removed due to unstable results, new wood texture, characters lowered for best manual fly, pixels added. Enjoy, please report glitches.
Version #2: Auto-fly devices removed due to unstable results, new wood texture, characters lowered for best manual fly, pixels added. Enjoy, please report glitches.
4th April 2019, 18:09
Hello Lincoln, hope this might help:
Hello Lincoln, hope this might help:
31st March 2019, 23:52
Thankie Den! Comments like yours motivates me to keep pushing my brains over new stuff, I really appreciate it! Let's keep flying & surfing! :)
Thankie Den! Comments like yours motivates me to keep pushing my brains over new stuff, I really appreciate it! Let's keep flying & surfing! :)
21st March 2019, 01:11
Version #2: Taking some opinions about the first version, I decided to change some points, now it's less tricky but gameplay flows better. Some of the changes were, new vertical resolution, new...
Version #2: Taking some opinions about the first version, I decided to change some points, now it's less tricky but gameplay flows better. Some of the changes were, new vertical resolution, new...
18th March 2019, 17:10
Version #2: New resolution, wider paths, slope angle changed, theme and texture applied, pixel glitches removed, anti-drags inserted, plop holes replaced. Please report any issues. Enjoy! :)
Version #2: New resolution, wider paths, slope angle changed, theme and texture applied, pixel glitches removed, anti-drags inserted, plop holes replaced. Please report any issues. Enjoy! :)
16th March 2019, 01:46
Version #3. After some public matches people helped me to watch for some points that needed to be reviewed. Elements adjusted: overall symmetry enhanced, objects proportions, new horizontal resolut...
Version #3. After some public matches people helped me to watch for some points that needed to be reviewed. Elements adjusted: overall symmetry enhanced, objects proportions, new horizontal resolut...
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