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D1KSQu4D's latest posts

Downloads: 257
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Themed, Sprites

7th February 2019, 05:02

been like 8 years since I uploaded :) Play very rarely so hope you enjoy a map I made a while ago
Downloads: 1523
Comments: 17 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Good graphics

24th April 2012, 04:40

my name is on
Downloads: 6356
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Features: Good graphics

24th April 2012, 04:38

your maps are awesome :)
Downloads: 214
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: Themed, Sprites

9th June 2011, 23:17

Downloads: 288
Comments: 7 (read/write)
Features: None

29th April 2011, 23:25

put something in the upper looks weird all plain... add your name or something..
Downloads: 862
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: None

14th March 2011, 03:45

Downloads: 923
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: None

15th February 2011, 04:21

weird as fuck,.... but i like it
Downloads: 3484
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Remix

14th February 2011, 23:13

thanks doben :)
Downloads: 179
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Sprites

13th February 2011, 16:44

the worms and crates will spawn in those black holes..and i think you need to make your maps less open..add some stuff to the right.
Downloads: 260
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Themed, Sprites

30th January 2011, 07:13

1 2 3 4 ... 33 34 35 »