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DeeKay's latest posts
12th July 2008, 16:34
Good one! Makes for fun opportunities.
Good one! Makes for fun opportunities.
12th July 2008, 01:01
Kinda looks like Wyv's oversized King Size RRs judging by the preview, but lacks the attention to details in practice.
Kinda looks like Wyv's oversized King Size RRs judging by the preview, but lacks the attention to details in practice.
15th June 2008, 02:15
Actually plays better than the preview (also, I have fondness for the ice cubed worm sprite).
Actually plays better than the preview (also, I have fondness for the ice cubed worm sprite).
27th April 2008, 21:54
The concept's fine but the globe is way too small.
The concept's fine but the globe is way too small.
13th April 2008, 19:50
Good, good. Map's in the standards MMX deserves.
Good, good. Map's in the standards MMX deserves.
3rd April 2008, 00:15
Where's the iX tag?
Where's the iX tag?
31st March 2008, 23:29
The map is a lie.
The map is a lie.
Downloads: 2745
Comments: 15 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 15 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
12th March 2008, 18:42
Lookin' good.
Lookin' good.
12th March 2008, 05:36
T'sure is.
T'sure is.