Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Djoszee's latest posts
23rd February 2010, 20:56
He won't bother chovas...
He won't bother chovas...
23rd February 2010, 20:55
Maybe it's because his maps do have quality?
Maybe it's because his maps do have quality?
14th February 2010, 15:23
i thought you said you would stop uploading boring maps
i thought you said you would stop uploading boring maps
14th February 2010, 11:51
both kuvasz, both ;)
both kuvasz, both ;)
24th February 2010, 12:49
dik, could you post a link to my original patrix in the description?
dik, could you post a link to my original patrix in the description?
13th February 2010, 11:55
yeah, but is it exiting? Why do you c/p random level maps and think they are suitable for worms?
yeah, but is it exiting? Why do you c/p random level maps and think they are suitable for worms?
10th February 2010, 20:08
28th February 2010, 18:46
gj :)
gj :)
7th February 2010, 12:06
6th February 2010, 22:30
original and interesting approach to wxw maps, i like it (and i dislike wxw in general)
original and interesting approach to wxw maps, i like it (and i dislike wxw in general)