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Etherlord's latest posts
22nd February 2013, 22:07
Very nice map for Highlander (not only Kaos) - thanks! I understand why some people complain on partial reviewing - sometimes (usually) reviewers rate a map without even playing.
Very nice map for Highlander (not only Kaos) - thanks! I understand why some people complain on partial reviewing - sometimes (usually) reviewers rate a map without even playing.
22nd February 2013, 19:27
I just played it, was fun! I disagree it is unimaginative, as far as I know the idea is original.
I just played it, was fun! I disagree it is unimaginative, as far as I know the idea is original.
21st February 2013, 16:10
I thought pixelation adds to the surrealism ). Thanks for a review! I'm just finishing another map.
I thought pixelation adds to the surrealism ). Thanks for a review! I'm just finishing another map.
Downloads: 25744
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Open, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Open, Themed, Sprites

11th August 2012, 09:09
Really pretty map - Anamat, why couldn't you clean it pixel by pixel in Photoshop?
Really pretty map - Anamat, why couldn't you clean it pixel by pixel in Photoshop?
11th August 2012, 08:26
OK, 1s is quite fun here :)
OK, 1s is quite fun here :)
7th August 2012, 11:45
Hello, thanks for comments, it's my map! It's not fun for wxw players, I figured, but I wanted to just make something different, a playable w1w. Euskadi, that's great, I didn't play...
Hello, thanks for comments, it's my map! It's not fun for wxw players, I figured, but I wanted to just make something different, a playable w1w. Euskadi, that's great, I didn't play...