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FFie's latest posts
24th December 2005, 13:28
This map is awesome! You got the lavaish feeling very well. And it's challenging too! =D (yet to play the others =])
This map is awesome! You got the lavaish feeling very well. And it's challenging too! =D (yet to play the others =])
7th November 2005, 08:52
sure, just add comment about which maps should be deleted
sure, just add comment about which maps should be deleted
24th October 2005, 16:34
Maybe because black is darker than white, and he's DarkOne!
Maybe because black is darker than white, and he's DarkOne!
22nd October 2005, 08:22
The map has about 3 hides that deserve to be called hides, that's not enough unless you wanna play a pure luck shopper, which isn't the point of shoppers. I would've rated it clumsy too, as we rate...
The map has about 3 hides that deserve to be called hides, that's not enough unless you wanna play a pure luck shopper, which isn't the point of shoppers. I would've rated it clumsy too, as we rate...
13th October 2005, 22:35
"nice" goes with graphics, Husk.
"nice" goes with graphics, Husk.
11th October 2005, 12:13
Maybe you should try to make maps that take more than 10 minutes to make. Hate to tell you, but the 10-min era was supposed to end, when color maps got implemented. If you're gonna make maps like t...
Maybe you should try to make maps that take more than 10 minutes to make. Hate to tell you, but the 10-min era was supposed to end, when color maps got implemented. If you're gonna make maps like t...
10th October 2005, 08:34
Erm, you know, you can turn on the "floor" in Worms too. Also, you might wanna try to make maps that deserve to be color ones...
Erm, you know, you can turn on the "floor" in Worms too. Also, you might wanna try to make maps that deserve to be color ones...
3rd October 2005, 16:00
Ah, there! =) Nice map there. I found some parts a but unropable, but that's because I was hyper-tired, I'll try again =)
Ah, there! =) Nice map there. I found some parts a but unropable, but that's because I was hyper-tired, I'll try again =)
3rd September 2005, 22:21
Yay, 'nother Hungarian mapmaker! =)
Yay, 'nother Hungarian mapmaker! =)
25th August 2005, 17:39
Actually, I was reviewing this one, and it's not clumsy because I can't rope on it (it's pretty visible, you know =P), it's just that we usually rate shoppers without hiding places as clumsy.
Actually, I was reviewing this one, and it's not clumsy because I can't rope on it (it's pretty visible, you know =P), it's just that we usually rate shoppers without hiding places as clumsy.