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LordFalcon's latest posts
28th March 2019, 16:59
Hey, Lincoln! As I've mentioned in the game earlier, I think you should read this Wiki article on color maps. That'll help with addressing the background glitches in your next submissions....
Hey, Lincoln! As I've mentioned in the game earlier, I think you should read this Wiki article on color maps. That'll help with addressing the background glitches in your next submissions....
29th September 2011, 01:47
For the big worms, I believe there should be more open areas. I finished this race in slightly over 10 minutes. (but I'm quite slow because I haven't played for a long time) Anyway, this w...
For the big worms, I believe there should be more open areas. I finished this race in slightly over 10 minutes. (but I'm quite slow because I haven't played for a long time) Anyway, this w...
28th September 2011, 03:08
True. Not unimaginative AT ALL.
True. Not unimaginative AT ALL.
28th September 2011, 02:38
Lots of good shapes. As usual. Congrats!
Lots of good shapes. As usual. Congrats!
17th September 2011, 02:15
You made this pixel by pixel? No way. (Welcome to the club! xD) Also, you posted it in a good time, I'm tired of seeing default-sized classic WxW remakes. *Thumbs up*
You made this pixel by pixel? No way. (Welcome to the club! xD) Also, you posted it in a good time, I'm tired of seeing default-sized classic WxW remakes. *Thumbs up*
13th July 2011, 21:30
I've got to agree... very nice! Thumbs up!
I've got to agree... very nice! Thumbs up!
20th February 2011, 01:17
About the new demo, it's still going to take a while. I haven't opened paint since I finished the v0.1b version(literally). I'm going to take a while to return to work on the new map, b...
About the new demo, it's still going to take a while. I haven't opened paint since I finished the v0.1b version(literally). I'm going to take a while to return to work on the new map, b...
19th January 2011, 20:09
This experience was a little strange to me, because I have never played a rope race from UserC479. I'm just not used to see so many wide tunnels and no plop areas at all, and the only challengi...
This experience was a little strange to me, because I have never played a rope race from UserC479. I'm just not used to see so many wide tunnels and no plop areas at all, and the only challengi...
17th January 2011, 22:11
Yeah, it's difficult to rope here because you have to rope fast in a curve, and 30 seconds is oftenly not enough for me. I touch all 4 walls and there are 5 or 6 seconds to attack! I always see...
Yeah, it's difficult to rope here because you have to rope fast in a curve, and 30 seconds is oftenly not enough for me. I touch all 4 walls and there are 5 or 6 seconds to attack! I always see...

23rd December 2010, 22:00
did you really create that with paint? =O i think i need at least ten more years to make maps as good as yours xD
did you really create that with paint? =O i think i need at least ten more years to make maps as good as yours xD