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NAiL's latest posts
25th September 2006, 17:24
gj, you could make a nice map with those buildings!
gj, you could make a nice map with those buildings!
23rd September 2006, 22:41
looks good jerry, gj
looks good jerry, gj
23rd September 2006, 16:00
yeeh i remember soccer kid! gj, keep the classics comming!
yeeh i remember soccer kid! gj, keep the classics comming!
22nd September 2006, 19:57
looking good! gj
looking good! gj
18th September 2006, 23:51
er... why do u always put yourself down like this? the less you believe in your work the worse it will become
er... why do u always put yourself down like this? the less you believe in your work the worse it will become
13th September 2006, 14:21
heh more, gj
heh more, gj
13th September 2006, 14:20
n design, nice graphics!
n design, nice graphics!
11th September 2006, 11:33
again, good work
again, good work
Downloads: 456
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Not-so-good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Not-so-good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
9th September 2006, 23:56
bit long to reach top section but n map, gj
bit long to reach top section but n map, gj