Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
NinjaCamel's latest posts
17th December 2011, 20:49
gjgj! looks great! gotta try it as soon as possible
gjgj! looks great! gotta try it as soon as possible
18th January 2011, 13:38
i lov this
i lov this
2nd January 2012, 15:59
just played this map yesterday on wos, was funny, but too tight holes imo
just played this map yesterday on wos, was funny, but too tight holes imo
6th December 2010, 22:24
lol at adult tag
lol at adult tag
6th December 2010, 22:21
i love it
i love it
30th October 2010, 12:54
dont forget to put there some cute camels ww!
dont forget to put there some cute camels ww!
30th October 2010, 02:43
seriously: LMFAO!!!:D
seriously: LMFAO!!!:D
11th October 2010, 12:06
thought that was some kind of irony about map editor maps;O erratic maps ftw anyway
thought that was some kind of irony about map editor maps;O erratic maps ftw anyway
6th October 2010, 13:11
porco cazzo AHahaHahahahahAHahAHhhahaahaha
porco cazzo AHahaHahahahahAHahAHhhahaahaha
Downloads: 214
Comments: 16 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Sprites, Adult
Comments: 16 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Sprites, Adult
30th September 2010, 15:44