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PigL3t's latest posts
Downloads: 2313
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites

6th July 2006, 07:16
damn nice, silver... only our url is missing ;)
damn nice, silver... only our url is missing ;)
18th March 2006, 18:59
damn nice piece of art, iceh03 :D thx 4 the map - great work!
damn nice piece of art, iceh03 :D thx 4 the map - great work!
24th February 2006, 00:10
yeah, i couldnt care less... but i bet u knew my map. the layout way too similar to say it just popped outta ur head. u only changed it a bit and thats all. anyway... i give a fuck. hf
yeah, i couldnt care less... but i bet u knew my map. the layout way too similar to say it just popped outta ur head. u only changed it a bit and thats all. anyway... i give a fuck. hf
Downloads: 377
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Open, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Open, Themed, Sprites
3rd December 2005, 15:32
i pressed the comment button 4 the same reason... lol @ this über-long nick 8) but like women try to tell us: length is not important. its the skill that matters. u r in 2 clans, aint ya dj? not ...
i pressed the comment button 4 the same reason... lol @ this über-long nick 8) but like women try to tell us: length is not important. its the skill that matters. u r in 2 clans, aint ya dj? not ...
14th September 2005, 18:34
great work once again, m8.
great work once again, m8.
25th August 2005, 06:29
that looks... familiar :P another nice remix tho m8 ;) am gonna try it out soon - just join ts every now and then, djh03zy
that looks... familiar :P another nice remix tho m8 ;) am gonna try it out soon - just join ts every now and then, djh03zy
26th August 2005, 00:47
rate the auther instead: Djoszee is "clumsy". and also "not-so-good" and "unimaginative". i gotta ask Ful2i3 if he's "tight" as well... dunno about that :P
rate the auther instead: Djoszee is "clumsy". and also "not-so-good" and "unimaginative". i gotta ask Ful2i3 if he's "tight" as well... dunno about that :P
20th July 2005, 19:18
w00t! "Pang" my fav game at that time... damn i owned the arcade big time :D i actually still play this game every now and then with my amiga 500 emulator lol. im gonna dl this map - to remember th...
w00t! "Pang" my fav game at that time... damn i owned the arcade big time :D i actually still play this game every now and then with my amiga 500 emulator lol. im gonna dl this map - to remember th...
1st July 2005, 17:01
has nothing to do with the map or the posts here... but spin on this .,|,, mr. Anonymous.
has nothing to do with the map or the posts here... but spin on this .,|,, mr. Anonymous.
Downloads: 320
Comments: 9 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Tight
Comments: 9 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Tight
27th June 2005, 15:19
"Return of the n0obs" - may the force be with you, young padawan. Yoda says: "The map... better you could make".
"Return of the n0obs" - may the force be with you, young padawan. Yoda says: "The map... better you could make".