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RobDaZombie's latest posts
16th June 2012, 13:41
I've just finished playing it with two other players. It's a little too easy to drown other worms, especially on the first go... so I reckon it'll be good fun for a quick 2-3 player gam...
I've just finished playing it with two other players. It's a little too easy to drown other worms, especially on the first go... so I reckon it'll be good fun for a quick 2-3 player gam...
14th June 2012, 10:32
The graphics are quite nice, but there are too many areas to drown your worm... it could be ideal for a quick 2-3 player game.
The graphics are quite nice, but there are too many areas to drown your worm... it could be ideal for a quick 2-3 player game.
6th June 2012, 21:34
Thanks, I hope you enjoy playing it. I'm a little surprised that the map did not receive an original tag, unless headbutting snails and playing super banana snooker is just a thing of the past?
Thanks, I hope you enjoy playing it. I'm a little surprised that the map did not receive an original tag, unless headbutting snails and playing super banana snooker is just a thing of the past?
7th December 2007, 19:51
ah my bad, i got mixed up with driveby shoppers
ah my bad, i got mixed up with driveby shoppers
15th July 2007, 10:35
Sorry for double post but I just realised the fake water at the bottom! Seriously I think this will work better if you take that out too.
Sorry for double post but I just realised the fake water at the bottom! Seriously I think this will work better if you take that out too.
28th August 2005, 17:38
With all these weird looking creatures, I thought I was in Australia.
With all these weird looking creatures, I thought I was in Australia.
2nd August 2005, 20:18
No matter how much lotion I use, my body can never shine like theirs.
No matter how much lotion I use, my body can never shine like theirs.
Downloads: 330
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed
2nd August 2005, 20:14
I'm gonna raid your house, ambush you and rip off your hands so you can't make any more maps. The footballs look good though.
I'm gonna raid your house, ambush you and rip off your hands so you can't make any more maps. The footballs look good though.
1st August 2005, 18:22
Looks good, but one too many pits imo.
Looks good, but one too many pits imo.
Downloads: 22478
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
10th July 2005, 13:23
Gj Sic, the spaceship rules.
Gj Sic, the spaceship rules.