Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Skum's latest posts
18th September 2013, 05:22
htf that text became so black, i don't see it now here dafak
htf that text became so black, i don't see it now here dafak
18th September 2013, 18:53
U really do wonder?
U really do wonder?
14th September 2013, 10:03
this1 looks pretty fine ^.^
this1 looks pretty fine ^.^
13th September 2013, 21:09
you are getting better - your latest maps are not so awkwardly crappy looking now xDD
you are getting better - your latest maps are not so awkwardly crappy looking now xDD
12th September 2013, 17:49
why you deleted your "cloudy RR"? D:
why you deleted your "cloudy RR"? D:
Downloads: 190
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative
12th September 2013, 17:46
was a good idea to ask that.. xD
was a good idea to ask that.. xD
12th September 2013, 19:18
L0L, lolful tag "carbon curved yuri "XD
L0L, lolful tag "carbon curved yuri "XD
10th September 2013, 12:04
more detailed instruction ("how to play") any1
more detailed instruction ("how to play") any1
9th September 2013, 14:19
stringking wrote: awesome looking, looks fun! because of your similar "rang pictures", i thought you commented yor own map like that.. oloolo
stringking wrote: awesome looking, looks fun! because of your similar "rang pictures", i thought you commented yor own map like that.. oloolo
10th September 2013, 19:30
YO STRING, make the same style (pattern and satin) remix for that fl4t rr and link it in description :る
YO STRING, make the same style (pattern and satin) remix for that fl4t rr and link it in description :る