Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
Skum's latest posts
21st December 2012, 11:54
ropes awkwardly as crap.
ropes awkwardly as crap.
20th December 2012, 15:45
if to believe the middle text - at the bottom left...
if to believe the middle text - at the bottom left...
19th December 2012, 19:50
star wars detected (The same names repeat ~9 times) xD
star wars detected (The same names repeat ~9 times) xD
12th December 2012, 07:36
Btw, SiD, u forgot to subscribe yourself.. xd
Btw, SiD, u forgot to subscribe yourself.. xd
16th December 2012, 09:40
just press the button "stay loged in" before login..
just press the button "stay loged in" before login..
13th December 2012, 20:08
hey, user, did u review ur last 2 maps by urself? O.o (i don't see neither GG, nor elab. on both maps + they were reviewed too fast..)
hey, user, did u review ur last 2 maps by urself? O.o (i don't see neither GG, nor elab. on both maps + they were reviewed too fast..)
11th December 2012, 12:39
it's DOTS, not the pixels for comparing: [spoiler]1 pixel = 1 pixel 1 regular dot = 80+ pixels[/spoiler] hehe
it's DOTS, not the pixels for comparing: [spoiler]1 pixel = 1 pixel 1 regular dot = 80+ pixels[/spoiler] hehe
10th December 2012, 14:03
A series.. inspired by Audi? trololo
A series.. inspired by Audi? trololo
8th December 2012, 20:00
na, thx, don't want..
na, thx, don't want..
5th December 2012, 17:30
maybe add a scheme? How much fuel to use? How much time should be per each cp?
maybe add a scheme? How much fuel to use? How much time should be per each cp?