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Wolfgang's latest posts

Downloads: 138
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative

16th February 2011, 21:31

Downloads: 205
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics

12th January 2011, 18:22

grande warlod y tu surf xD
Downloads: 4518
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Original

11th January 2011, 22:19

muy bueno este map virus me vicie caleta en este map gj por el mapa muy jugable :D agregado a fav
Downloads: 157
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative

16th December 2010, 23:34

jaja king no mames D:
Downloads: 133
Comments: 8 (read/write)
Features: Unimaginative

11th December 2010, 17:07

weeeeena pigui apareciste ta bueno el map y como escuchaste a bandera tuya fue agregada :D
Downloads: 190
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative

17th October 2010, 19:14

muy buen mapa king :D gj :)
Downloads: 195
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Unimaginative

17th October 2010, 19:10

buen mapa turko :)
Downloads: 662
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: None

9th October 2010, 00:52

buen map virus exelente agregado a favoritos yeah!!!!
Downloads: 400
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Features: Themed

8th October 2010, 23:28

muy bien mav y bien hecho ya que me xingaste me voy a desquitar xingandomes a otros jugadores con este map xD (?) jajaj
Downloads: 134
Comments: 1 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Open, Sprites

8th October 2010, 23:14

vn map mav y a viciar ;O :D
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