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Wormi's latest posts
Downloads: 135
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites
6th September 2012, 10:35
Pls tell me guys how can i get these pixel in the edges and everywhere away ? i tryed PS and Gimp2 but i dont know how :-(
Pls tell me guys how can i get these pixel in the edges and everywhere away ? i tryed PS and Gimp2 but i dont know how :-(
5th September 2012, 08:21
i have tried photoshop but there is everything and englisch and my englisch isnt very good, and the programm laggs cause my harddisk is damaged and no money 4 a new :-) but thx 4 the Tips :-)
i have tried photoshop but there is everything and englisch and my englisch isnt very good, and the programm laggs cause my harddisk is damaged and no money 4 a new :-) but thx 4 the Tips :-)
4th September 2012, 08:44
ok Thx 4 Comments , and sorry if i did something wrong :-)
ok Thx 4 Comments , and sorry if i did something wrong :-)