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YESS's latest posts
Downloads: 3194
Comments: 8 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 8 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed, Sprites
10th March 2009, 04:51
Uhmm.... yeah .. I'd say that's a lot of fake downloads...
Uhmm.... yeah .. I'd say that's a lot of fake downloads...
10th August 2008, 03:02
top of her head is cut off, you sick twisted b!@#$%d, lol
top of her head is cut off, you sick twisted b!@#$%d, lol
10th August 2008, 02:56
Do you just do random worm placement? Or do you let players place worms or...?
Do you just do random worm placement? Or do you let players place worms or...?
5th August 2008, 07:40
Nice map, looks real good with the plastic-type effect, texture and gradient. Just to note, you posted it as a w2w instead of a proper though, maybe a mod can fix that.
Nice map, looks real good with the plastic-type effect, texture and gradient. Just to note, you posted it as a w2w instead of a proper though, maybe a mod can fix that.
26th June 2008, 08:14
I redid this map to use the regular colors and have a black background to worm names, it also inspired me to write a script that lets me draw maps like this with random worms very quickly, thanks f...
I redid this map to use the regular colors and have a black background to worm names, it also inspired me to write a script that lets me draw maps like this with random worms very quickly, thanks f...
26th June 2008, 08:11
Clumsy? Unimaginitive?! Who reviewed this? :o
Clumsy? Unimaginitive?! Who reviewed this? :o
4th June 2008, 10:37
ADHD much?
ADHD much?
2nd June 2008, 09:59
Very interesting roperace, WA would not load the map until i dithered it down to 64 colors though. I like the alternate routes :)
Very interesting roperace, WA would not load the map until i dithered it down to 64 colors though. I like the alternate routes :)
2nd June 2008, 09:58
Not a fan of mario based maps but this is superb! Well done ESR 4/5.
Not a fan of mario based maps but this is superb! Well done ESR 4/5.