Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
bebedze's latest posts
4th November 2011, 02:27
30th October 2011, 15:16 " can only be achieved with PowerShopper®, the..." Registered (Trademark) Sign haha " can only be achieved with PowerShopper®, the..." Registered (Trademark) Sign haha
26th October 2011, 03:02
Good graphics Bad gameplay
Good graphics Bad gameplay
12th October 2011, 20:04
14th August 2011, 20:48
Yes. Very high quality map. Good long job. You decided not to fix fly-shortcut? Thank you from all freaky players like me. :-]
Yes. Very high quality map. Good long job. You decided not to fix fly-shortcut? Thank you from all freaky players like me. :-]
13th August 2011, 20:51
10th August 2011, 21:27
All catholics behave this way? 0.0
All catholics behave this way? 0.0
20th July 2011, 18:35
In russian culture, this would be considered blasphemy
In russian culture, this would be considered blasphemy
18th July 2011, 18:07
What will happen to your body if you drink Coca-Cola / Pepsi? 10 minutes. 10 teaspoons of sugar "hit" on your system (this is the recommended daily rate). You do not pull tear, because ph...
What will happen to your body if you drink Coca-Cola / Pepsi? 10 minutes. 10 teaspoons of sugar "hit" on your system (this is the recommended daily rate). You do not pull tear, because ph...
12th May 2011, 08:13