Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
c0o1's latest posts
21st December 2004, 01:14
Trap updated. Delete the other one please :)
Trap updated. Delete the other one please :)
22nd November 2004, 04:32 :) :)
29th October 2004, 18:29
Indeed Bloopy, or as a quick jetpack race aswell.
Indeed Bloopy, or as a quick jetpack race aswell.
29th September 2004, 23:40
LOL, good job Marley :)
LOL, good job Marley :)
19th September 2004, 07:54
Funny and Nice story :p
Funny and Nice story :p
19th September 2004, 07:51
This is my favorite shoppa map ever.
This is my favorite shoppa map ever.
17th September 2004, 09:17
Syc0 made the mario bungee 1 and 2, and you made the 3rd one? Explain. :)
Syc0 made the mario bungee 1 and 2, and you made the 3rd one? Explain. :)
17th September 2004, 09:07
19th May 2006, 03:45
I ripped them from the game, You run the game with an emulator and then capture the images..
I ripped them from the game, You run the game with an emulator and then capture the images..