Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
normal-game-guy's latest posts
2nd May 2010, 02:33
Awww, the ones that don't use the regular WFW scheme aren't as useful for me!=)
Awww, the ones that don't use the regular WFW scheme aren't as useful for me!=)
2nd May 2010, 02:32
Ahhhhh awesome!!!XD Thanks!!<33
Ahhhhh awesome!!!XD Thanks!!<33
2nd May 2010, 02:31
15th April 2010, 19:41
Niiiiiiiice! Just looking at this gets me excited. >XD Come on people, ask me to play CTF more often!8D~
Niiiiiiiice! Just looking at this gets me excited. >XD Come on people, ask me to play CTF more often!8D~
15th April 2010, 19:41
Awesome, thank you!!
Awesome, thank you!!
1st April 2010, 19:25
Very nice!!=D Thank you for another awesome CTF map!!
Very nice!!=D Thank you for another awesome CTF map!!
15th March 2010, 18:21
thank you!=) we need more ctf maps. and more people willing to play this most amazing of modes
thank you!=) we need more ctf maps. and more people willing to play this most amazing of modes
15th September 2009, 15:39
this one's so cool!:O
this one's so cool!:O
15th September 2009, 15:38
yay more CTFs! 8D
yay more CTFs! 8D
1st September 2009, 17:13
thank you for doing all these CTF maps aaatable!=) i love finding so many new ones<3333333
thank you for doing all these CTF maps aaatable!=) i love finding so many new ones<3333333