Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
yuurepoer's latest posts
21st February 2010, 10:48
nice idea on this map dude :)
nice idea on this map dude :)
18th February 2010, 14:43
dude do you resize those sprites ??
dude do you resize those sprites ??
16th February 2010, 01:08
whahaha ! :D
whahaha ! :D
13th February 2010, 00:24
whoaa ! o0
whoaa ! o0
11th February 2010, 11:53
Asteroid-Rain, Some stay dry and other feel the pain (8)
Asteroid-Rain, Some stay dry and other feel the pain (8)
10th February 2010, 11:18
Dude,. people also write that,, because they can see you worked on those maps for just a minute,. and people's maps that did require a lot of work,, are being moved tho the next page on wmdb we...
Dude,. people also write that,, because they can see you worked on those maps for just a minute,. and people's maps that did require a lot of work,, are being moved tho the next page on wmdb we...
4th February 2010, 11:43
then delete the other 3
then delete the other 3
3rd February 2010, 10:29
looks cool to me,. tho i'd move the 2 middle pods a litle to the left,
looks cool to me,. tho i'd move the 2 middle pods a litle to the left,
1st February 2010, 13:12
lol dude why is that green ball there laying on top of the cousion ?
lol dude why is that green ball there laying on top of the cousion ?
30th January 2010, 13:43
also because of the sudden death tunnel
also because of the sudden death tunnel