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Trick WxW Remix by sheldon

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Type: Trick Race
Size: 1976 x 784, 94KB
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Tags: wxw, tricks, trickrace, warmer, w5w, remix

I love Drake and SiD's map #17191
However I found it a bit wide. I resized it and wanted to share it but I thought that was a little lazy, so I completely rebuilt it and textured it with my own twist.
The concept is that you touch all 5 walls and do 5 tricks (or your own desired number) before attacking. It's a twist on wxw and personally I love this map shape and the tricks are in their right places.
Hope you all enjoy!
Map dedicated to SiD -
I've been hypothetically destroying your maps for a long time, but hey look, I've literally destroyed one now!
P.S. I've added my own optional wxw scheme with nerfed/buffed weapons and balanced weapon frequencies.
Added on: 14th April 2015, 16:17
Downloads: 142
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Worth: 3 EXP
Features: Remix. (complain/suggest)