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Brace's latest posts
12th February 2013, 15:21
I like it very much!
I like it very much!

12th February 2013, 15:18
"The next one will be the Silver Rope-race" I'am waiting dude ;-) Already 2 years!
"The next one will be the Silver Rope-race" I'am waiting dude ;-) Already 2 years!
28th August 2011, 17:49
Not-so-good graphics??? I like it very much!
Not-so-good graphics??? I like it very much!
26th July 2011, 17:03
very nice to play! Thanx for this map!
very nice to play! Thanx for this map!
26th April 2011, 14:28
My favorite big bow and arrow!
My favorite big bow and arrow!
Downloads: 139
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Adult
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Adult
12th April 2011, 15:11
Very nice map!! Good job
Very nice map!! Good job
4th March 2011, 14:03
3rd March 2011, 15:15
Very nice Thanks!
Very nice Thanks!
27th September 2010, 17:14
I have made some sprites self, the worm with a sword and more. But i did't knew there was a map with those squares, i thought it is original and new...
I have made some sprites self, the worm with a sword and more. But i did't knew there was a map with those squares, i thought it is original and new...
25th August 2010, 13:04
Nice good job
Nice good job