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Cheetah's latest posts
4th December 2009, 10:15
But you just applied a gradiant fill! D:
But you just applied a gradiant fill! D:
8th December 2009, 19:55
I think you missed the point "Guy".
I think you missed the point "Guy".
4th December 2009, 10:19
I did the palm one on my third try, that gap isn't that hard to get through. I seriously had more problems trying to get through that small fireball part in the right corner.
I did the palm one on my third try, that gap isn't that hard to get through. I seriously had more problems trying to get through that small fireball part in the right corner.
4th December 2009, 10:23
Glad you enjoyed!
Glad you enjoyed!
2nd December 2009, 03:53
lol I spent more time commenting on that than you took making the map. I say pfft to that.
lol I spent more time commenting on that than you took making the map. I say pfft to that.
30th November 2009, 21:54
Map seems really clumsy to me with the way different sections meld together. Also on the blue and white squared bit near the top, you can just rope up the pits. My advice to you is to paint on the...
Map seems really clumsy to me with the way different sections meld together. Also on the blue and white squared bit near the top, you can just rope up the pits. My advice to you is to paint on the...
13th December 2009, 19:53
They're green. You should be happy they are not pink.
They're green. You should be happy they are not pink.
20th November 2009, 02:52
18th November 2009, 22:26
Another map using Sonic the Hedgehog sprites. That's why it didn't get the "Original" tag.
Another map using Sonic the Hedgehog sprites. That's why it didn't get the "Original" tag.
18th November 2009, 22:13
I draw all the graphics on my map.
I draw all the graphics on my map.