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DeeKay's latest posts
1st April 2007, 17:47
@"hope it doesn't offend anyone ^_^ God bless" That's just a killer comment xD
@"hope it doesn't offend anyone ^_^ God bless" That's just a killer comment xD
29th March 2007, 01:26
Nice map, wish t'was a little less white though.
Nice map, wish t'was a little less white though.
28th March 2007, 10:56
14th March 2007, 19:18
Nicely done. Not the type of RR's I like, but it's a lovely idea anyway.
Nicely done. Not the type of RR's I like, but it's a lovely idea anyway.
11th March 2007, 15:44
Wow O_O Looks like fun :P
Wow O_O Looks like fun :P
5th March 2007, 15:20
Guess it's for spanish people only. It's good though he managed to find his way into to the Add Map page...
Guess it's for spanish people only. It's good though he managed to find his way into to the Add Map page...

23rd February 2007, 22:33
Not sure it's evil, but it'll get you stoned after 15 minutes...
Not sure it's evil, but it'll get you stoned after 15 minutes...
Downloads: 2575
Comments: 18 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Tight, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 18 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Tight, Themed, Sprites

15th February 2007, 07:33
This is the kind of maps that makes you want to play game types you usually don't. Great job!
This is the kind of maps that makes you want to play game types you usually don't. Great job!
13th February 2007, 14:57
As a fan of MMX I just want to know "why u do this"... Poor game. Let it live in peace.
As a fan of MMX I just want to know "why u do this"... Poor game. Let it live in peace.