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Eg9plant's latest posts
19th August 2012, 19:35
Gaha! You skumbag, leave my brain alone!! :G But you've built up the map pretty nicely and mine moves as should. Maybe I'll make an alternate version of the scheme some day :)(
Gaha! You skumbag, leave my brain alone!! :G But you've built up the map pretty nicely and mine moves as should. Maybe I'll make an alternate version of the scheme some day :)(
2nd August 2012, 19:17
Tried it too! Hard for a beginner like me but gives great feeling of success when succeeding! :d
Tried it too! Hard for a beginner like me but gives great feeling of success when succeeding! :d
2nd August 2012, 21:38
Well not everything can be gray'n'brown, my friend :P And i made it "negative" so the edges would be clear without a stroke!
Well not everything can be gray'n'brown, my friend :P And i made it "negative" so the edges would be clear without a stroke!
24th July 2012, 18:29
lolol :F But yeah the wa map creator is teh best ever! However it's fun to play on color maps for a change! The athmosphere is all different! (8
lolol :F But yeah the wa map creator is teh best ever! However it's fun to play on color maps for a change! The athmosphere is all different! (8
14th February 2016, 15:50
Thanks ky! (:
Thanks ky! (: