Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
JaCkO's latest posts
23rd May 2004, 14:23
still.......n graphics on this map ;)
still.......n graphics on this map ;)
29th May 2004, 13:30
on the bottom right of the right island crates can appear there but u cant get a worm to it :-(
on the bottom right of the right island crates can appear there but u cant get a worm to it :-(
23rd May 2004, 14:19
LOL, reading ur comment Mike thought u said this map was a proper as in the game type! :p
LOL, reading ur comment Mike thought u said this map was a proper as in the game type! :p
27th May 2004, 11:09
I'm thinkin this map should be taken off the site..........
I'm thinkin this map should be taken off the site..........
23rd May 2004, 14:15
Looks n ;)
Looks n ;)
24th May 2004, 18:02
LOL ;)
LOL ;)
29th May 2004, 13:27
Has anybody actually seen John on wormnet? I saw John a couple of days ago, i asked him bout his maps and he didn't no bout any John maps! Any1 else seen a John online b4?, if so where from? the...
Has anybody actually seen John on wormnet? I saw John a couple of days ago, i asked him bout his maps and he didn't no bout any John maps! Any1 else seen a John online b4?, if so where from? the...
21st May 2004, 16:30
Im not seeing many Ernst-Eberhardt maps around!
Im not seeing many Ernst-Eberhardt maps around!
20th February 2005, 13:05
would make a good w2w
would make a good w2w
7th May 2004, 21:38
u could easily make it into a fly shoppa if u wanted!!
u could easily make it into a fly shoppa if u wanted!!
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