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JaCkO's latest posts
7th May 2004, 21:38
LOL, sorry just relised wot a terrible name i gave this map!
LOL, sorry just relised wot a terrible name i gave this map!
7th May 2004, 21:35
no offence but that map is a terrible remix!, to plain and boring...... ('Please try to be nice and give constructive criticism!', LOL!)
no offence but that map is a terrible remix!, to plain and boring...... ('Please try to be nice and give constructive criticism!', LOL!)
19th April 2004, 17:26
Do u really think it could be a classic?......WOW Not bad for my first shopper map!
Do u really think it could be a classic?......WOW Not bad for my first shopper map!
12th April 2004, 01:01
Your goin a bit over the top with these maps m8!! but they're a laugh!
Your goin a bit over the top with these maps m8!! but they're a laugh!
11th April 2004, 02:22
I'm liking it, but i wouldn't go that far!!
I'm liking it, but i wouldn't go that far!!
9th April 2004, 23:09
8th April 2004, 17:56
8th April 2004, 17:53
Nice map!
Nice map!
8th April 2004, 17:50
talk about a quick 5min job lol, but yet nice idea
talk about a quick 5min job lol, but yet nice idea
6th April 2004, 14:12
'Constructive Critisism'??
'Constructive Critisism'??
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