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Downloads: 12099
Comments: 9 (read/write)
Features: None

26th January 2011, 15:09

You're actually pretty lucky they gave you none. How many colors is this?
Downloads: 2248
Comments: 11 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate

12th January 2011, 04:35

Just try to get a good balance between graphics and background. Going above 64 is okay imo, just make sure the background gradient isn't compromised.
Downloads: 578
Comments: 10 (read/write)
Features: Unimaginative

10th January 2011, 18:00

Waaay better!; Although some dither is still visible. Did you try saving with more colors? (or just wanted the full bg you set? :D) nice job. :) >Although I doubt about getting many good tags xD
Downloads: 365
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Original

8th January 2011, 12:08

That's a cool way of looking at it, sheldon. heh. ^^ Nice work!
Downloads: 234
Comments: 6 (read/write)
Features: Unimaginative, Sprites

6th January 2011, 11:10

People here appreciate the time taken too, but the end-result should coincide with the amount spent. You're slowly delving into custom sprites, so that's a good thing; though I think I'...
Downloads: 713
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: Remix

4th January 2011, 06:31

Very nice and clean graphic work EvilPunk! +1 to playing with bg. :)
Downloads: 142
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy

3rd January 2011, 15:25

cool drawings. ^^ next time you might want to add the source images in your map descrip, then. :D
Downloads: 192
Comments: 3 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics

3rd January 2011, 14:56

Ooh, Blueprint! :O nice idea! good layout. although it would be nice if it was a liiiittle bit cleaner (coloring); also maybe add another way to access the top part since it looks just a bit too ...
Downloads: 1512
Comments: 13 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original, Themed

27th December 2010, 21:11

I remember when I first saw this map... 'Shit, I wish I can make something like this someday' Fuckin A.
Downloads: 539
Comments: 15 (read/write)
Features: Elaborate, Good graphics, Original

27th December 2010, 21:01

I've spent some time thinking about unique and original schemes, and I have to admit, this blew me away... oO When I saw your youtube video, I immediately PM'd you here in wmdb asking wher...
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