Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
MEDVEDxEvilPunk's latest posts
29th April 2010, 19:19
xD Nice
xD Nice
22nd February 2010, 19:54
Lol It`s not shopper
Lol It`s not shopper
22nd February 2010, 19:50
Big MrGreen`s contours is anti-aliased. Heh. Will looks li'l clumsy with backgrounds effects =) You can add to big MrGreen a 1-2 pix stroke with color 1,1,1 - thats will be looks really better....
Big MrGreen`s contours is anti-aliased. Heh. Will looks li'l clumsy with backgrounds effects =) You can add to big MrGreen a 1-2 pix stroke with color 1,1,1 - thats will be looks really better....
20th February 2010, 20:57
No words.... I just wanna to say: you're legendary idiot
No words.... I just wanna to say: you're legendary idiot
19th February 2010, 09:25
it will be look stupid (with enabled background)
it will be look stupid (with enabled background)
14th February 2010, 13:21
Too large for BnG
Too large for BnG
13th February 2010, 11:51
Finally, map by you, that looks good :)
Finally, map by you, that looks good :)
13th February 2010, 10:31
Some ur spites have really bad quality, maybe it's from jpg-screenshots?
Some ur spites have really bad quality, maybe it's from jpg-screenshots?
12th February 2010, 22:01
Roper? o_0
Roper? o_0