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MEDVEDxEvilPunk's latest posts
21st November 2009, 12:21
I didn't seen the Other rubber category before:) thx:)
I didn't seen the Other rubber category before:) thx:)
21st November 2009, 07:39
Была у меня подходящая фотка.... но поганого качества, после обработки выглядела тупо) а на этой дом не такой...
Была у меня подходящая фотка.... но поганого качества, после обработки выглядела тупо) а на этой дом не такой...
14th November 2009, 20:26
Great Job! :)
Great Job! :)
6th November 2009, 22:51
Use it, how you want.:) Originally this map made for roper, but may play pod, just disable border
Use it, how you want.:) Originally this map made for roper, but may play pod, just disable border
30th October 2009, 21:04
longbow - the ultimate weapon against "batties" xD
longbow - the ultimate weapon against "batties" xD
23rd October 2009, 22:03
It's created with Layer Style method, using Pattern overlay
It's created with Layer Style method, using Pattern overlay
22nd October 2009, 08:53
This map really impressed me VERY N!CE!
This map really impressed me VERY N!CE!
18th October 2009, 13:42
Kosio0, windows filled by dark color (RGB 2 2 1), like bottom of buildings.
Kosio0, windows filled by dark color (RGB 2 2 1), like bottom of buildings.
13th October 2009, 21:06
there crates NEVER spawns inside:) try it :)
there crates NEVER spawns inside:) try it :)
7th October 2009, 15:07
This map have ~27 colors, 'cause source materials, that i'd use, haven't more colors. Many this sources i taken from original Super Mario Bros NES ROM, using Nestopia.
This map have ~27 colors, 'cause source materials, that i'd use, haven't more colors. Many this sources i taken from original Super Mario Bros NES ROM, using Nestopia.