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Userc479's latest posts
3rd August 2020, 22:01
A quick check up on search engines revealed this: which suggest it was a copy and paste type of map - shove a doughnut as extra ...
A quick check up on search engines revealed this: which suggest it was a copy and paste type of map - shove a doughnut as extra ...
5th February 2017, 14:05
I don't remember testing this map out - and yeah - it's UserC479 not!
I don't remember testing this map out - and yeah - it's UserC479 not!
10th June 2016, 15:41
About time you uploaded this Raffie!! :p
About time you uploaded this Raffie!! :p
6th March 2016, 07:42
Maybe not everyone agree's but sometimes it's the most challenging maps to break people's normal playing that can be refreshing - saying that - the bit in the middle isn't over the ...
Maybe not everyone agree's but sometimes it's the most challenging maps to break people's normal playing that can be refreshing - saying that - the bit in the middle isn't over the ...
15th December 2015, 18:28
Whatever comment you make Gex...I'll still pwn ya! :p lol
Whatever comment you make Gex...I'll still pwn ya! :p lol
7th December 2015, 05:36
Yes DassFass - it does that as it needs remoderating when you update it :)
Yes DassFass - it does that as it needs remoderating when you update it :)
Downloads: 199
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed
Comments: 5 (read/write)
Features: Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed
6th October 2014, 14:07
You were told before in why before you deleted your maps off.
You were told before in why before you deleted your maps off.
Downloads: 306
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative
Comments: 4 (read/write)
Features: Remix, Clumsy, Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative
27th July 2014, 16:54
Ha @ The Office "Ooo Kinky" looool
Ha @ The Office "Ooo Kinky" looool
8th June 2014, 23:55
Damn Sid - love the way you done those arrows - nicely integrated into the map and out the way of roping path!
Damn Sid - love the way you done those arrows - nicely integrated into the map and out the way of roping path!
17th May 2014, 13:40
The reason why the map is unimaginative is purely down to Sonic Sprites being over used like Mario sprites. That is why.
The reason why the map is unimaginative is purely down to Sonic Sprites being over used like Mario sprites. That is why.