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Zev's latest posts
24th March 2017, 15:50
This is freakin good mole map! <3
This is freakin good mole map! <3
28th October 2014, 12:55
I love this :o Very good design!
I love this :o Very good design!
7th October 2014, 22:29
good catch SiD, lol. Really good looking map anyhow!
good catch SiD, lol. Really good looking map anyhow!
Downloads: 213
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites
Comments: 2 (read/write)
Features: Not-so-good graphics, Unimaginative, Themed, Sprites
24th September 2014, 17:20
Not-so-good-graphics my ass. This looks great!
Not-so-good-graphics my ass. This looks great!
15th August 2014, 04:42
I'm not familiar with the games, but this map looks really nice! I like shoppers like this, themed with a lot of open space to fly around.
I'm not familiar with the games, but this map looks really nice! I like shoppers like this, themed with a lot of open space to fly around.
20th February 2014, 22:54
I love this. what game are the graphics from?
I love this. what game are the graphics from?
28th January 2014, 22:04
well you know what I meant ;) nice job, it is very good artwork
well you know what I meant ;) nice job, it is very good artwork
21st January 2014, 00:22
yeeeah trance music \m/
yeeeah trance music \m/
21st January 2014, 00:19
it looks really nice, but there's some holes in the terrain which make battling kind of clumsy on this map. I still like the aesthetic enough to play it again, though.
it looks really nice, but there's some holes in the terrain which make battling kind of clumsy on this map. I still like the aesthetic enough to play it again, though.
11th November 2013, 17:20
agreed; that would be a good remix.
agreed; that would be a good remix.