Latest announcement: Due to recent abuse of our services, anonymous map uploading has temporarily been disabled. Only registered users will be able to submit new maps.
darklord's latest posts
25th August 2012, 21:17
Oops, it is full coulour. Stupid me misreading the comments. Sorry raf, and great map!
Oops, it is full coulour. Stupid me misreading the comments. Sorry raf, and great map!
26th June 2012, 01:08
Very nice map. Ran it through PNG Gauntlet -> Reduced to 5.57 MB
Very nice map. Ran it through PNG Gauntlet -> Reduced to 5.57 MB
16th May 2012, 23:02
Nice looking map and nice concept. I know it's nitpicking, but if the map doesn't have any "walls", then it should not be called a 'WxW Shopper'. Type should be changed to...
Nice looking map and nice concept. I know it's nitpicking, but if the map doesn't have any "walls", then it should not be called a 'WxW Shopper'. Type should be changed to...
14th May 2012, 19:23
I don't give a shit about the King Kong, this is Good Graphics to me. =) Very nice map.
I don't give a shit about the King Kong, this is Good Graphics to me. =) Very nice map.
28th April 2012, 02:15
The boardgame that just wouldn't die. Has anyone made a Swahili version yet? lolz =D
The boardgame that just wouldn't die. Has anyone made a Swahili version yet? lolz =D
28th April 2012, 02:13
Nice looking map. Surprised reviewer didn't get their panties in a bunch and put 'adult' for the word FUCK. Oops, I shouldn't have said anything. Errr.. erase, erase, erase. =)
Nice looking map. Surprised reviewer didn't get their panties in a bunch and put 'adult' for the word FUCK. Oops, I shouldn't have said anything. Errr.. erase, erase, erase. =)
28th April 2012, 02:08
Oops, forgot to write my name lol. Major props Pyro. (Also the fireworks display at the end was spectacular)
Oops, forgot to write my name lol. Major props Pyro. (Also the fireworks display at the end was spectacular)
6th March 2012, 19:03
I like scrabble, but this map is not the kind of quality I would expect from you. Maybe it just looks subpar because you have THREE other maps in the recent good section. Also, it is not original -...
I like scrabble, but this map is not the kind of quality I would expect from you. Maybe it just looks subpar because you have THREE other maps in the recent good section. Also, it is not original -...
5th March 2012, 18:56
OMG. I remember testing this map with you a long time ago before it was finished. Awesome man, thanks for uploading it. Definitely should be featured.
OMG. I remember testing this map with you a long time ago before it was finished. Awesome man, thanks for uploading it. Definitely should be featured.
28th February 2012, 19:37
This is too funny. I wish mods would make up their fkin minds.
This is too funny. I wish mods would make up their fkin minds.