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scarface011606's latest posts
1st December 2010, 20:51
lol....if you get offended by this you need to get thicker skin. I can see what you're getting at but this just makes me laugh
lol....if you get offended by this you need to get thicker skin. I can see what you're getting at but this just makes me laugh
30th November 2010, 22:20
love it; only thing i would edit would be the brightness- I have to wear sunglasses while playing xD
love it; only thing i would edit would be the brightness- I have to wear sunglasses while playing xD
28th November 2010, 22:38
nice work....glad other ppl are starting to make towers and bigrr; can't have enough of them ^^
nice work....glad other ppl are starting to make towers and bigrr; can't have enough of them ^^
25th November 2010, 18:29
I just wish had been a bit longer.....didnt realize was so short; was having fun and then the finish came ; (
I just wish had been a bit longer.....didnt realize was so short; was having fun and then the finish came ; (
18th November 2010, 22:06
question about you're maps......whats up with the rainbow gradient on more than half of them; rainbows are a nationwide symbol of homosexuals....are you trying to come out the closet nonchalant...
question about you're maps......whats up with the rainbow gradient on more than half of them; rainbows are a nationwide symbol of homosexuals....are you trying to come out the closet nonchalant...
16th November 2010, 21:16
the baka worm with two handguns ^^
the baka worm with two handguns ^^
14th November 2010, 20:51
i dont know why received elaborate either as its just the same map minus the tricks....IMO should've received "none" not a reviewer tho.....
i dont know why received elaborate either as its just the same map minus the tricks....IMO should've received "none" not a reviewer tho.....
30th October 2010, 01:59
fixed the scheme.....water rises about where i want it now, starting ammo is where i want it, more crate spawns (tho sometimes they are out of reach).....I used too many colors on pallet to make de...
fixed the scheme.....water rises about where i want it now, starting ammo is where i want it, more crate spawns (tho sometimes they are out of reach).....I used too many colors on pallet to make de...
25th October 2010, 01:32
ahhh soo many rules....brain overload... =(
ahhh soo many rules....brain overload... =(
24th October 2010, 22:07
should make start boxes tho....would be better than placing randomly IMO....other then that, do like the scheme
should make start boxes tho....would be better than placing randomly IMO....other then that, do like the scheme