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DonMega's latest posts
15th October 2011, 19:55
did u use indexing the colors from photoshop? there'll be better quality if u use "save for web" instead. too bad my towers get out of memory errors due to their big size, but urs sho...
did u use indexing the colors from photoshop? there'll be better quality if u use "save for web" instead. too bad my towers get out of memory errors due to their big size, but urs sho...
15th October 2011, 19:40
there's one crazy labyrinth bigrr the size o 15000x15000. it's ridiculous and i doubt it works smooth framerate on most of our computers.
there's one crazy labyrinth bigrr the size o 15000x15000. it's ridiculous and i doubt it works smooth framerate on most of our computers.
15th October 2011, 19:31
kissass, krhmm khrmm... ;)
kissass, krhmm khrmm... ;)
6th October 2011, 22:33
the name of the map comes all wrong. apparently wmdb doesn't recognize @ letter. perhaps give it another name cos now it has like no name in the filename at all :P
the name of the map comes all wrong. apparently wmdb doesn't recognize @ letter. perhaps give it another name cos now it has like no name in the filename at all :P
12th February 2012, 21:39
djtolyan891, well i just might, or might not. i make maps very slowly so don't hold ur breath because i also got many other projects i gotta finish first. good to have ur approval as well though
djtolyan891, well i just might, or might not. i make maps very slowly so don't hold ur breath because i also got many other projects i gotta finish first. good to have ur approval as well though
30th September 2011, 20:58
uploaded a smaller size version also, with good texture detail. get it from here: #18793
uploaded a smaller size version also, with good texture detail. get it from here: #18793
30th September 2011, 17:53
nice one man. first of it's kind and looks pretty good too. thanks
nice one man. first of it's kind and looks pretty good too. thanks
28th September 2011, 17:57
oh my u went absolutely crazy with this one. i'll be seeing nightmares about dot flagpoling. looks like good challenge. will be trying out in a while. i'm surprised u kept filesize under 3m...
oh my u went absolutely crazy with this one. i'll be seeing nightmares about dot flagpoling. looks like good challenge. will be trying out in a while. i'm surprised u kept filesize under 3m...
26th September 2011, 06:51
interesting rodent. i find adding the color palette colors manually works well also. is bit time consuming though
interesting rodent. i find adding the color palette colors manually works well also. is bit time consuming though
26th September 2011, 06:41
it takes good planning to make it more worthy for players to utilise different moves rather than taking the easy way out every time. if i want someone to outlaw for example i'll make sure it...
it takes good planning to make it more worthy for players to utilise different moves rather than taking the easy way out every time. if i want someone to outlaw for example i'll make sure it...